Located just a short distance from Route 17, Allendale Veterinary Hospital is a full-service animal hospital offering complete medical and surgical care for your pet. We have served the Bergen County community for more than 20 years. Our highly experienced veterinarians and staff use fear-free care techniques to make sure your pet’s visit is as pleasant and stress-free as possible.
Wellness/Sick Care
Same day appointments available. We utilize an in-house blood lab, digital X-rays, and onsite ultrasound exams.
Comprehensive vaccination protocols tailored specifically for each animal based on age and history.
Dental Care
Comprehensive oral exams, digital dental X-rays, cleanings, extractions, and preventative care products.
New Puppy or Kitten
Comprehensive initial exams, microchipping, spaying/ neutering, nutritional counseling.
In-house Pharmacy
Our in-house pharmacy provides the benefits and convenience of immediate drug availability.
General Surgeries
Modern operating suite for spays/neuters, soft tissue surgeries, and orthopedic procedures.
Make an appointment today. We look forward to serving you and your pet!
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